Reply To: Get category archives & category’s custom fields

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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Hi Eno,

I read your reply earlier, but I had to postpone my answer as I was releasing the new version of ajax search pro. So far it looks promising, will see.

Yep, that is supposed to happen. It does not search the actual page content but the category itself as the object. I honestly do not recall if we talked about this, but it actually would make sense to somehow connect the categories to the posts. I guess I could make an option, something like “Search within posts belonging to each category”. I’m only concerned of the performance impact – it might be really bad for databases with lots of posts and categories. The search would be performed on a dataset of (post1 x number of categories + post2 x number of categories + ….), which I would say is about 5-10 times the posts table on average.
The implementation though should not be hard, I think I will add this to the features list to the upcoming 4.7.1, and then we will see how it works.

I believe they implemented it because of ACF, it was a brilliant idea, much needed. Coming soon for sure 🙂

Ernest Marcinko

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