Reply To: Search product filter

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Hi A.J,

Unfortunately there is no option to create the exact same layout, however you can configure the plugin to look very similar to that.

First of all, import this search instance:
(under the Export/import submenu on ajax search pro)

Then, I used the following html code to put the search shortcode to a post:

<div style='width: 45%;padding: 1% 5% 1% 0;display: inline-block;'>
 [wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro id=1]
</div><div style='width: auto; display: inline-block;'>
  [wpdreams_asp_settings id=1 element='div']

Don’t forget to change the id=1 to the search ID you have imported or created to display the correct shortode.

In my case it looked like this:

Ernest Marcinko

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