Reply To: Searchfield is too small – CSS issue

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Searchfield is too small – CSS issue Reply To: Searchfield is too small – CSS issue

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


You are welcome!

From what I can see the search box is embedded within the wrong element. It’s inside the

<div class="fusion-logo">...

which is set to a maximum width of 150 pixels on mobile screens, which is causing the “shift” and the small input.

I believe you should rather try placing exactly after that element and try the following additional custom css to give it the correct behavior:

#ajaxsearchpro1_1 {
   display: inline-block !important;
   max-width: 400px !important;

This will make sure that the search container nicely “jumps” next to the logo on bigger screens, but not exceed a certain width ( in this case 400 pixels) . At the same time the line breaks on the mobile screens and the search gets displayed below the logo nicely.

I didn’t try this yet, but I hope it will help.

Ernest Marcinko

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