Reply To: How to turn off for mobile but then use built in search

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support How to turn off for mobile but then use built in search Reply To: How to turn off for mobile but then use built in search


Ok, mystery solved!

Your code worked. I was expecting it to act like a media query, so I was shrinking my browser and expecting your plugin to disappear below 768px or so. But it doesn’t.

Now I know, it checks for mobile differently. So yes, True mobile now shows the built in search widget, while True desktop only shows ASP (your plugin).

I THINK this will be ok. I’ll have to see the different ramifications of not having granular media query control. But for now we’ll call this done, and I look forward to the fix in the next release so I don’t have to patch each upgrade.

I thank you very much for your terrific support. I actually have a few other (smaller) points to ask about which I’ll put in a fresh thread. THANK YOU!