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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Well, I don’t know if that is possible at all, maybe by sending additional parameters by modifying the results url.

The problem is, that the $_POST variable is only set on the search results page, immediately after the search. So when clicking on a result, there is no information sent. However there are filters available to modify the results link, and maybe it is possible to send additional information.

Try adding this custom filter function to your active theme directory, into the functions.php file:

add_filter( 'asp_results', 'asp_change_url_results', 1, 1 );
function asp_change_url_results( $results ) {
  foreach ($results as $k=>$v) {
    if ( isset($_POST['options']['aspf1_11']['postcode']) )
      $results[$k]->link  .= "&postcode=" . $_POST['options']['aspf1_11']['postcode'];
  return $results;

This will add an additional parameter to the end of each result link, which should be accessible via the $_GET[‘postcode’] variable on the results page. I’m not sure if the $_POST[‘options’][‘aspf1_11’][‘postcode’] is correct, you might have to do a var_dump($_POST) within that function to see how it looks like.

Ernest Marcinko

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