Reply To: Mobile-friendly: making featured images clickable (but not entire result area)?

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Mobile-friendly: making featured images clickable (but not entire result area)? Reply To: Mobile-friendly: making featured images clickable (but not entire result area)?


I managed to fix this. Not sure if this is “optimal” for others, and I think it only works with static images (not background images) but posted here in case it is useful for others. Perhaps an “official” version will come out later.

In the isotopic.php file (which should be put in your wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/asp/isotopic.php folder)

you want to replace these lines:

<div class='asp_item_img' imgsrc='<?php echo $r->image; ?>' style="background-image: url('<?php echo $r->image; ?>');">
                <a>link; ?&gt;'&lt;?php echo ($s_options['results_click_blank'])?" target='_blank'":""; ?&gt;&gt;</a>

with these lines:

&lt;div class='asp_item_img'&gt;
                <a>link; ?&gt;'&lt;?php echo ($s_options['results_click_blank'])?" target='_blank'":""; ?&gt;&gt;<img />image; ?&gt;' /&gt;</a>
  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by trw226 trw226.
  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by trw226 trw226.