Taxonomy / Results page questions

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    I have a couple of general questions. I haven’t provided login details for my site as I don’t think it will be necessary. If you think it is necessary to help in this situation, then please let me know and I will create temporary login details for you.

    My first question is in regards to using taxonomy within your plugin. I am trying to configure the software so that it will display search results in a specific order. I have created Product Categories for all of the products on our site. There are 7 total categories. So, I have selected the “product – product_cat (Product Categories)” taxonomy, and I have added each of the categories to the right hand side box, in the order in which I would like for them to be displayed with a search result for and product.

    So for example, if someone searches “Champion” on our site, I would like for it to display the related results for Champion with the category results displayed in the order of taxonomy results as I have added them to the box on the right.

    However, the results are not being pulled in the order in which I have added them to the box on the right. I don’t understand what I am missing to get them to display in that order. I am attaching screenshots of my settings within the program, including the categories which I have added. Can you please explain what I need to do in order for the results to display in the order in which I have added them?

    My next question is in regards to the results page that displays when someone does a search. For some reason, on the results page, below each page image that shows, the text/title for that page, instead of showing right below that page image, there is a big space between the image and the page title, and that text shows right above the image of the next page results that shows. This makes it appear that the text coincides with the picture below the text, when it actually coincides with the picture above the text. How can I fix this so the text is positioned properly below the page image to which it coincides?

    You can see what I am talking about if you go to, and you do a search for:

    I have taken screenshots of the results page and added them to show you what I am talking about. I’ve also noticed that for some reason, when the images are displayed on the results page, they start off being side by side, but when I hover over an image with the mouse, the image will drop down lower than the image next to it. How can I stop that from happening?


    Anthony Flannery

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thank you for the details, it helps a lot.

    Based on the screeshots, you were editing the wrong options. The options on the screenshot are for the taxonomy term filters – not related to the ordering of the results whatsoever.
    Ordering by taxonomy is not really possible, because taxonomy terms can be assigned to multiple post type objects.
    For the live search results you can use the results grouping feature – where you can choose grouping by categories, and the chosen category order order is going to be used in the output as well. That should give you exactly what you need, but that does not apply to the results page.

    The output of the results page is not affected by the plugin, it can’t. If you see any issues there, you should check your theme configuration, that may reveal the problem.

    Ernest Marcinko

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