W3 Total Cache and Ajax Search Pro

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Agrajag Agrajag 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Sorry to bug you. I just spent the weekend getting out site’s performance improved and added W3 Total Cache, CloudFlare and MaxCDN. All is solid except for one oddity. Ajax Search Pro’s layout is broken on our front page. It’s giving the default search box and Search button, but all subpages show as designed.

    I suspect a potential Minify problem, but I’m not sure what to exempt.

    Can you take a quick look and let me know if this is indeed the problem and, if so, what to exclude?


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    From what I can see the front page is showing the default search, not the Ajax Search Pro, so it’s definitely not a styling issue. This might be a programaticall error. Make sure that the same header file is used on the front page as on the other pages. It seems to me as if the front page was displaying the default search box and others the search shortcode (either in an if-else statement, or a different file is used for header on the front page).

    If that’s all right, than this must be a simple page cache issue. One of the layers, either W3TC, Cloudlare or MaxCDN might be serving an older cached version of the front page, which doesn’t use the search shortcode yet. Make sure to clear the page cache, browser cache, Cloudflare and MaxCDN as well.

    Also, test the front page if W3TC is disabled. If ajax search pro is visible when W3TC is inactive, then it’s only a page cache showing, and it’s not cleared. If still the old box is showing, well then there is somewhere a programatical error, displaying the old box instead of ajax search pro shortcode.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    The amazing part is it was all working fine until I caught this this morning. The front page definitely HAD the shortcode. Last night I finally got MaxCDN running so that could be involved.

    Dumb question that you can pass on if you prefer as it’s not your code: Is there a simple “Disable” function for W3TC? I don’t see one to just turn it off and then back on.

    Thanks again for the great support.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Definitely let me know if you get it solved or if you find something interesting.

    To be honest I prefer disabling W3TC instead of playing with the configuration. I believe there is a link on the plugin settings page like “turn off all caching” or something, but that didn’t work for me a couple of times, so I just disable it completely, that definitely works 🙂

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    I’ll give that a shot. It’s so confusing now. In Chrome I’m seeing what I should see. In Firefox I’m seeing the base search. Very, very strange.

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