widget area problems

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by attis73 attis73 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    I have a small problem, and I don’t find any info about this. When I would like results, then I redirect one new page. The posts are appearing good, but the attachments have some strange behaviour. The attachment (picture) appearing the new page, but then appearyng copys in the widget areas. I have three widget area, and they are contain one of result picture. I attached the screenshot.
    This strange occurrence have appeared when the widget area manager plugins working. I use two different widget area manager, but the result picture is appearing both different case. When I switch off the widget area manages, then the widget areas are empty, and the search result picture is appearing the normal place.
    I try out cahange some settings, but it haven’t any effect.
    Have you got any idea of this strange things?

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Unfortunately this is most likely not related to the search plugin at all. Try opening the same result page when the search plugin is inactive, it should be displayed the same way.

    What I’m guessing is that the widget manager might be applying some of the content filters, and it results in displaying the content (attachment in your case) once again.

    If the problem does go away if the search plugin is inactive, then I gladly take a look. Otherwise it’s probably unfortunately not related.

    Ernest Marcinko

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    Hi Ernest,

    I have made a small video about this problem. But I don’t understand exactly whad do you mean “inactive”. I deactivate the plugin or I don’t use when I view the page? If I deactivate, I can’t search pictures…


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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Thank you for the video.

    What I mean is, when you search and click on the “bosh espresso machine”, you are taken directly to that image page in the video.

    Now, leave that page open and on another tab go to the administrator area and on the plugin manager deactiavate the Ajax Search pro plugin. Then go back to the previous browser tab, where the “bosh espresso machine” is still opened and refresh that page. If the images are still displayed incorrectly, then it is most likely not related to the Ajax Search Pro plugin – because it is deactivated. In this case it means that something else is messing up the attachment template page.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thank you for your help…
    I have made a mini investigation, and I think the Visual Composer is mistaken…

    Kind Regards,

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