Bulletproof queries in WordPress – preventing SQL injections

Ernest Marcinko Blog, Tutorials, Wordpress Leave a Comment

When developing WordPress plugins, securing potential SQL injections is extremely important. With a well written SQL injection the attacker might gain access to your database, your blog back-end and steal your data, or make modifications you won’t even notice. What is an SQL injection? SQL injection is a technique where malicious users can inject SQL commands into an SQL statement, …

Removing unwanted output from ajax responses

Ernest Marcinko jQuery, Tutorials 1 Comment

This article is might be helpful to WordPress or other CMS plugin developers, where your plugin/module/theme get’s to meet with lot’s of other 3rd party plugins/modules/themes. It’s a great thing, that these CMS systems give you the opportunity to build your website, however these 3rd party applications might not work together well, no one can guarantee that. Often times I …