Resizing search box in header at random

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    I have a quick question about a small issue I am having with one of the search boxes on our website. I have 1 search box in the left hand side bar and another one in the header. The header search box will resize itself at what seems like random times. If you go to the homepage or the parts homepage you will see the searchbox is the normal size. After clicking into some of the categories, the top search box will resize itself to a size too small to be useful. I have been messing around with some CSS and I just cant get this figured out. Do you have any help or input on what would cause this search box to keep resizing?
    I really appreciate your help with this,
    Thanks again,

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I was not able to replicate the issue, but there is a custom CSS that will definitely help:

    .asp_m_1 {
        min-width: 240px !important;

    This will prevent the search size to get below 240 pixels at any time, no matter what. Make sure to clear all layers of cache after applying this rule. I hope this helps!

    Ernest Marcinko

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