Search options

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Elijah Lovkoff Elijah Lovkoff 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6314
    Elijah Lovkoff
    Elijah Lovkoff

    Hi Ernest, I need to emulate the following:

    1. Please go here:
    2. Open ‘Search by Artist” and choose something
    3. After you choose some artist, the search will display all the works belonging to this artist

    I need to do exactly the same with Ajax Search Pro for specific categories, is that doable?

    If it is, please give a general idea how to do that, I’ll figure out the rest.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    I’m not sure if it’s doable, but this is what you can try:

    1. Decrease the Minimal character count to trigger search option to 0 on the General Options -> Behavior panel
    2. Turn on the Trigger search when changing a facet on settings? option on the same panel.

    The only difference, that the categories can only be displayed in checkboxes. Other display types like radio, select box etc.. is coming in version 5.0. (or maybe sooner if I can finish)

    A select drop-down can only be created on values in custom fields. For more info you can check the documentation chapter or the custom field filter video guide on this.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

    Elijah Lovkoff
    Elijah Lovkoff

    This may work, but in this case I need to display all categories UNCHECKED by default, so nly when they checkked the search will be initiated.
    Is it doable?

    P.S. Thanks for lightning-fast support

    Elijah Lovkoff
    Elijah Lovkoff

    Found the answer here:

    So far the plugin looks like a killer combination of quality, usability and support.
    Thanks Ernest.
    Will rate it as 5 o course!

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