Reply To: Fulltext not working, not showing good results

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Fulltext not working, not showing good results Reply To: Fulltext not working, not showing good results

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


In order to use fulltext search, you need to change the wp_posts table from InnoDB engine to MyIsam. But if you have less then 20 000 posts I would not recommend doing that, as you won’t see any difference in search speed or results. Fulltext search is more for advanced developers, I hihgly recommend not changing anything in the databse unless you are experienced with MySQL.
You can read a quick guide about innodb to myIsam conversion here:
But once again, unless you are experienced with mySQL, I don’t recommend changin the engine.

As for the second isse, I will do a debugging soon to see why is that happening. The search might not work sometimes because of that.

Thank you for the detailed description and the proper login details, it makes my work a lot faster.

Ernest Marcinko

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