Reply To: Original Blog Post content get stripped of HTMl and Shortcodes

Home Forums Product Support Forums Related Posts Pro for WordPress Support Original Blog Post content get stripped of HTMl and Shortcodes Reply To: Original Blog Post content get stripped of HTMl and Shortcodes

Shivaji Mitra
Shivaji Mitra

4. I need more information on that. The algorithm analyzes the post content, defines the most used keywords and chooses content based on those keywords. Based on the link you provided, I can’t see any irrelevance. Just by looking at the article I can see 40 appearances of the words “website”, “ecommerce”, “builder”, “shopping”. If I look at the relevant content, I can see posts with these titles exactly.

REPLY: I do understand your points. My question for you is.

A) Are there any way to specifically Include or Exclude few Related Posts from a given Page or a Post?

B) Secondly, how to exclude Related Posts completely from a page or a post? this page: , I do not want any related post at all. I disabled this from page settings “Hide the plugin for this post?” as well as added a ID at “Exclude posts by ID” but the related post still shows. Is this because I am using Template Tag directly into page.php ?