Reply To: Styling help required please to look like the dev version

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Styling help required please to look like the dev version Reply To: Styling help required please to look like the dev version


Awesome thank you bud, a few quick questions though

1) The search bar itself needs to fit in the area (alongside the menu) currently it’s slightly too wide – can that be fixed at all please?

2) Can the results box be pushed up to be flush with the search input box?

3) Can the 1 pixel with rounded corners border on the search results be removed please?

4) Can the post type titles be displayed in the results? (e.g. pages, news, etc etc)?

5) Can the more results link at the bottom have a blue background with white writing (like the dev version)?

6) Can the featured image (circles) be made slightly smaller please as the search bar is so narrow now that the text is getting very squashed?

Thank you for all your hard work on this really appreciated


  • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by richpearsonwd richpearsonwd.
  • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by richpearsonwd richpearsonwd.