Reply To: Styling help required please to look like the dev version

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Styling help required please to look like the dev version Reply To: Styling help required please to look like the dev version

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Unfortunately they can’t be moved. On my previous post you can see what is changed exactly, so if you update the ubermenu, you just copy/paste the code into that file and it’s done. If there was a better solution I would definitely done it.

As for your other questions:

1. You will find some custom css text in the Theme Options -> Custom CSS tab. There is a width defined on the box, I believe it’s 220px !important now. You can adjust that number to a width that you prefer.

2. I don’t think I understand this. Could you please make a screenshot, or illustrate it somehow?

3. Done + I added a bit of box shadow to make it more appealing.

4. Only with custom coding, using the search filters. Try to add the following code to the themes functions.php file, it should display the post type before the post title:

5. Yes. Done.

6. Yes. I reduced it to 50 pixels from 70. You can adjust the size on the Image options tab.

Ernest Marcinko

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