Reply To: implode error message / no scrollbar / unwanted white line

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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Thank you for the detailed description and the proper login details, it makes my work much faster and more convenient.

1. I’ve cleared the cache and save the options to make sure everything is consistent, it should be fine now.

2. It was a white border coming probably from the theme, I’m not sure. I’ve put a custom CSS line to the search theme options panel to fix.

3. The results viewport was set to 16 as well as the results count, so there was no scrolling. I set the viewport size to 4 items, now it shows the scrollbar again.

4. A quick custom CSS solved it, just like step 2.

5. This is actually not yet possible, mostly because of the layout structure. I’ve tried to experiment to see if I can put together something, but no luck. Since you are not the first one to request this, I will definitely consider changing the layout so this will be possible.

As for the suggestions:

1. The upcoming version (under testing) will have something you will love I guess:
2. That’s a reasonable suggestion, will see what I can do 😉

Ernest Marcinko

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