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Hi Ernest

Thanks for the fixes.
To be quite honest I think the plugin is really great and am very happy how it integrates with my theme. 🙂

I have now 3 remaining issues.

1) (Importantish) I have the wordpress download manager which is a very usefully for putting my scripts on the site for my clients to download, amongst more important features it allows for proper downloads of various formats of file in safari without have .txt added to the suffix.
If you type in the work “Workflow” in the search box it will display the result, and clicking on the result will send to the page, but if one presses enter etc. the result doesn’t appear on the search page.

In other-words the search bar is not passing all the results it picks up to the search page. (The problem is with this type of page created by the download manager.

Any Ideas?

2) (Trivial) Any way of changing the color of the close icon. I tried come css but without luck. I was wondering why you use a polygon and not an icon like the settings and mag have.

Search Bar

3) (Would be nice) If the “More results…” line would only show if there are more results and not when there are not more results. I know that you give an option to change the wording to “More results if there are…” but still 😉

Some more suggestions to keep you busy.

1) Customising the search bar took me quite a long time. That is 100% fine, it would be very useful to be able to backup / save the bar so that if one made changes one could go back to it or even better it’s revisions and also help form duplicating customisations for additional bars. The revisions bit might be a bit complicated but the ability to save and load in particular the bar theme I think would be very valuable.

2) The expanding bar is really nice (In my case I probably wouldn’t use it but it’s really nice). I probably would use it if it could be responsive in other-words for desktop / tablet size have the full width bar but for mobile phone size have the expanding one. I think that would be pretty cool.

Thanks again for the support you have already given.
