Reply To: Related Post Pro Is Not loading

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Thank you for the url. I see multiple issues in the header of the page:

1. There is an error with one of the theme javascript files.
2. There is an error coming from another module as well

Screenshot of both of the errors on my error console:
There is a very high chance that these are the main causes, since the javascript program flow usually breaks after a fatal error or a warning is issues.
I suggest investigating/fixing these issues first – because many wordpress plugins use jQuery (as well as Related Posts Pro), so they will most likely malfunction or not work at all.

The errors does not indicate connection with the Related Posts Pro plugin, but you should of course try to deactivate the plugin first and check the error console to confirm this.

The second and direct issue I can see is that some of the scripts (also CSS) in the header are printed incorrectly – there are some quote tags appended to the expressions. This can be related to any plugin or theme function that directly modifies the site or header data (like cache plugins and such).

For example, if I take a look at the part of the related posts pro script declaration:

" elementsAll ": " .rpp_item ",
" visibleClass ": " rpp_visible ",
" fadeoutClass ": " rpp_fadeout ",
" titleSelector ": " .rpp_title ",

The correct output should look like this:

elementsAll: ".rpp_item",
visibleClass : "rpp_visible",
fadeoutClass : "rpp_fadeout",
titleSelector : ".rpp_title",

Somewhere, something adds extra space and a quote wrap around that script, which is a major issue. I have never seen anything similar, but I’m suspecting a 3rd party plugin – such as caching, minification or something very similar. It is also possible that this issue is related to the first ones.

A general way of testing these issues is to turn off all the plugins and activate only Related Posts Pro first and see if it works then. If so, then activate the remaining plugins one by one to see at what point it fails again.

If you want, you can also provide temporary access (login and ftp) and I can investigate this further. (you can do that by editing your first post in this thread) If so, then please do a full site and database backup, just in case.

Let me know if anything helped!

Ernest Marcinko

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