Reply To: Horizontal Results not working

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


I have found a solution, the images should now appear. I put the following code to your themes functions.php file to achieve that:

if (!function_exists("parse_tpl_image")) {
  add_filter( "asp_results", "parse_tpl_image", 1, 1 );

  function parse_tpl_image($results) {
    foreach ($results as $k => $result) {
      if ($result->image == null || $result->image == "") {
        $m = bdw_get_images_plugin($result->id, 'directory-single-thumb');
        if (is_array($m) && isset($m[0]['file'])) {
            $results[$k]->image = $m[0]['file'];
    return $results;
Ernest Marcinko

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