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-It work! And I have few question to ask you

1.But I can’t click to search filter What about css code Pls give me more

2.And about Fatal error: Call to undefined method YITH_Woocompare_Admin::list_products_html() in /home/handlef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yith-woocommerce-compare/widgets/class.yith-woocompare-widget.php on line 41

2.I try to active compare plugin.And Ajax Search can work normally. If I Let it go these error Can you help me? what next affect about my website if don’t contact developer. because Plugin Compare is a free version 🙂

3.How to Change search old version on a Avada Theme To Ajax Search How to Code it Or setting. I don’t have knowledge about code. And i don’t understand for you short code such

Simple shortcodes , Result shortcodes , Settings shortcodes , Two Column Shortcode , Extra Parameters

I try to add in php file on a header.php and search.php

how to add php shortcode to .php file

Sorry to more question. Thank you

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