500 errors when activating

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #13086
    Patrick Williams
    Patrick Williams

    I purchased Ajax Search Pro and I have been getting multiple 500 errors. I’ve read the knowledge base and the most consistent solution I’ve found is to delete the search and recreate it. This is not feasible. Recreating the search takes a good amount of time to get the settings just like you want it. When I get it to a state that it does work, I fear changing the settings, because at any moment a setting change could take down my site with more 500 errors, forcing me to deactivate the plugin and recreate the search again. I also have no way of knowing which settings changes triggers the 500 errors.

    Finally on top of all of this, when the search does work, unless there is a way to do drop down filters, I don’t think it will work for my site. Therefore, primarily do to the fact that it doesn’t even work long enough for me to experiment with it more, I’m asking for a refund.

    Please let me know what I need to do.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    May I ask when exactly the 500 errors occur? Is it when making changes to the search, or during the search process or at a different time?
    Server error 500 is not related to any particular behavior, it can be caused literaly by any type of issue – simple conflicts, missing files, performance issues, restrictions etc…

    Can you please add temporary back-end and FTP access so I can re-create the issue and de-bug it if possible? Thanks.

    Finally on top of all of this, when the search does work, unless there is a way to do drop down filters
    I’m not sure what do you mean by this. Have you tried creating drop-down filters, but they don’t work, or do you mean something else?

    Ernest Marcinko

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