Auto Populate loads only two posts on the page

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 6 years ago.

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    Hi, pasting our chat on Envato comments here. If you can please take a look at my configuration and see what steps i’m missing.

    Thank you

    Auto Populate loads only two posts on the page. Anything I am missing?



    Sorry for the late response, we were on a short family vacation.

    Make sure, that the results count is set correctly. Also, any exclusions/filters also apply when the auto populate process is executed. In case you have any category/tag/date/custom field or other restrictions, then it could affect it.

    Best regards,
    Ernest Marcinko


    Result count is correct. Or do you mean it has to be exactly 10?

    I do have categories? What do you mean by restrictions and how does it affect it?



    No, you can set any limit there if you want, the default is set to 10.

    Restrictions can be filters set on the Front-end search settings panel, or exclusions set on the Advanced -> Exclude/include results panel.
    Frontend search filters
    Excluding/Including results
    If you cannot find something, or it is not helping, you can open a support ticket, and I will take a look at your configuration.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thank you very much for the proper details, it helped me a lot.

    The issue was, that you had a category filter active, and the ‘Blog’ category was selected by default. Because there are only 2 posts within the ‘Blog’ category, the plugin displayed only those results.

    I have made the following change, so that by default none of the categories is selected within the filter at first:

    Now, it will display the latest results as configured.

    Ernest Marcinko

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