Cannot populate search results (getting no results)

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 9 years ago.

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  • #5258
    Jason Weber


    I have a multisite installation for my nonprofit organization, the National Center For Due Process. Currently, I have only attempted to install it on one of the subdomains, but I’d like it to search through all domains.

    So if you went into My Sites >> Clone … that is where Ajax Search Pro is configured.

    The actual page it’s located on is

    Although it can search for some generic words, I would like it, ideally, to search for any inmate, prosecutor, or judge on any subdomain.

    As you’ll see in the screen capture, ASP shows no results, although he is all over my nonprofit’s website in multiple subdomains.

    I must have not set things up correctly so the website’s words are indexed by the ASP plugin.

    Any help you would provide would be great appreciated!

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    Jason Weber

    Oops — your username for the WordPress administrative login is simply wpdreams.

    Sorry if I screwed that up!

    Jason Weber

    I also might add that the URL to the WordPress dashboard is … because you have Super Admin credentials, you’ll be redirected to the main root website dashboard.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thank you for the proper details on the ticket, it made my work much faster.

    I’ve found the problem, it’s a bug in version 4.0. The upcoming version has this fixed already, so it should not re-appear once you update.

    Also, I’ve noticed that the theme adds huge padding on the result content accidentally, I’ve tried to fix that for you as well, but the back-end does not let me save the settings for security reasons I guess.
    Anyways, if you put this CSS code into the search plugin Theme Options -> Custom CSS panel, then it should remove the additional padding:

    .vertical .resdrg .item .content {
        padding: 0 10px !important;
    Ernest Marcinko

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