Can\'t install ajax search plugin via ftp or dashboard

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Can\'t install ajax search plugin via ftp or dashboard

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by David Brandt David Brandt 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #2885
    David Brandt
    David Brandt

    I just bought the Ajax Search Pro plugin, and tried to install it via FTP. I uploaded the ajax-search-pro folder into the ‘plugins’ directory, and Activated it from my Dashboard. When I did, my site stopped working. It displayed a ‘Fatal Error….etc, etc.’ message in my browser. So I went back into the FTP and deleted the ajax-search-pro folder.

    Then when I went back into my dashboard, I got a message saying that the plugin was deactivated since it could no longer be found. I then tried to install it via the dashboard, by going to Plugins, Upload New. When I uploaded the zip file, it did not show up in the list of plugins, so I can’t activate it. That’s where I am at now. It seems that I am unable to install the plugin sucessfully. Can you help me?

    Thanks, Dave B.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by David Brandt David Brandt.
    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I just checked the problem and fixed it. It was actually the theme causing the issue. The theme functions are declared without checking for existing function names, and the search plugin happened to have already a function with the same name. The search plugin checks for duplicate entries, however it is executed earlier then the theme, so the only way to avoid this conflict, I had to add 2 extra lines to the themes functions.php file.

    Please notifiy the theme developer to implement function name checks, as it may cause similar issues with any other plugin, and there is no way to avoid it in the plugin code.
    Here is the simple method used, you can show it to the theme developer, but I’m sure he just forgot it:

    if (!function_exists('function_name')) {
        function function_name() {

    The extra lines to the themes functions.php file were added to line 1008 and 1022.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

    David Brandt
    David Brandt

    Thanks so much for your quick reply & help!

    I’ll pass on the message to the developer of the Salient Theme.

    Just one other question – If I update the theme, and this issue hasn’t been fixed, will i have to manually re-insert your code, or will it remain, even after i update?


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