can't see the content if position of input search is bottom=0

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support can't see the content if position of input search is bottom=0

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by poladura poladura 4 years, 9 months ago.

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    HI, I can’t give you access to the project (because I am working in dev mode and is only active from inside the office) but this thing is the following:

    Due to Mobile responsive rules, I havce placved the search box in the header when desktop and then, the results are shown perfect, because the results table dropdown below the input search compenent (Atachement DESKTOP)

    But when I set my compnent in the very bottom of the page and search by any topic, the result appear below and I can’t see because the search box is in the bottom of the page. (Atachement MOBILE)

    Any way to configure where the results must be Shown? Thanks

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Well, for the floating results there is no way of changing that – only the snapping, but not the vertical alignment. Probably the closest thing you could do, is to use the results shortcode, so the results are displayed on a different position as they are now.

    Alternatively, you can do a custom CSS to sort-of force the results container above the search bar, with a negative top margin, and fixed height:

    .asp_r {
        margin-top: -400px !important;
        height: 350px !important;
    Ernest Marcinko

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    Many thanks I think I could manage with this. Thanks!

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