Compact Box Layout

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by mrlreynolds mrlreynolds 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #10878


    We have Enfold theme.

    We have set up one main search bar already. We placed this with shortcode on the homepage of our site at the top in the slider – this is fine.

    We want another search to go on all pages. We would like the Compact box layout so the search icon shows fixed on the right side of the screen. We set this up also but it does not show. It does show in the preview, but not on the front-end pages.

    Is there some code we need to add somewhere that we have missed? Or should it add automatically?

    ps. there does also seem to be some kind of ajax error with the enfold theme, as on the portfolio pages the ajax portfolio section displays incorrectly.

    Many Thanks.

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