Duplicity search result. 2

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 2 years, 6 months ago.

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    .the page shows duplicate posts in the search results again when I type the word: ad …. the post finds 5 results … on the results page … but in fact other duplicate posts are shown. These posts are marked as recommended … When I select a category filter: .. the results do not actually display the correct data .. the results are displayed for all categories associated with the search term. You should see 1 post, but you will see more results instead. The category does not respond as a filter. Basic posts without recommendations are displayed correctly … how to fix it? so that the recommended posts are displayed correctly and the filter .evaluates the given category? do I need to enter a similar line of code as you did before? I don’t like to enter login details anymore … I can edit the line myself. In case, I’m sending a specific file for repair. well thank you

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Please note that coding your theme is way beyond our support duties. I try to help as much as I can, but this is not an issue caused by our plugin – but because of the usage of queries in the search results handler marked as search queries.

    If you use the asp_override => false query argument in the suggested WP_Query objects, then it will completely bypass the search (check the screenshot in my previous reply).
    Optimally any custom queries should be avoided on the results page, especially with a search phrase. If not possible to avoid, then make sure to set the “asp_override” argument to false to bypass.

    On the screenshot it seems that the actual number of results is okay, it displays that 1 result was found, so the custom queries must be printing the rest of them. It is very likely the same fix as in the previous case.

    Ernest Marcinko

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