Error on first search

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by PCC76 PCC76 4 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi. I will provide login and ftp details if further help is needed.
    The plugin is great, and works almost perfectly but I am having one minor issue I can’t resolve that only effects Chrome and Edge browsers.

    If you use the search for the first time after the page has refreshed/loaded and search something that is not indexed .ie a random set of letters, like zzz, the “no results for zzz”. Instead an empty results box appears. It works absolutely fine if it finds a word in the index. However the second you click outside the search input field and then click back into it, the “zzz results not found” appears and never repeats the problem until you refresh.
    It also seems to reappear correctly when you uncheck any css options in the inspector. It’s almost like Chrome/Edge isn’t rendering the javascript correctly on not finding a result for the first time.
    I have tried all the javascript compatibility options and none of them seems to effect the issue. I am currently using ‘Minified Scoped – High Compatibility, Medium space.

    There are no errors in the console that i think will effect this.

    Kind regards

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thank you for the details, it helps a lot!

    I think this might be only a temporary cache issue, as it seems to be working fine on my end:
    I tried to replicate it with multiple random keywords, clicking in and out, refreshing, new search, but it works on both browsers.

    There is an error in the console, but that is not related to the plugin, although it would be better if it was corrected, to make sure it does not affect it in any ways. Try clearing the browser cache, site cache and CDN to make sure it is not caused by them. Let me know!

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi, thanks for the swift reply.

    I have sorted the console error (which i didn’t see, oops) This hasn’t effected it.
    I have deleted my browser cache many times, that hasn’t helped. I can understand why you would think it was cache related and I would agree, as this doesn’t occur on my windows laptop. However it did happens on my Mac Book Pro and also a collegues MBP, and I havre tried it via Browser stack and it does it on a few browsers on there too.

    I have flushed the cache for the domain and I don’t use any CDN’s, as this is basically a test environment with very little on it.
    Still can’t quite put a finger on why it does on some and not others.
    I have created a video to show you.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    So this is very likely IOS Chrome related. I’m using, but it shows correct on their VMs, although I am not sure if they have the latest chrome subversions installed.
    Can you please try our demo page as well? Use the same “zzz” phrase on the main search there, it should yield the same no-results box.
    I am really interested if this replicates there, it might be a generic issue then.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    It works fine on your demo page. I assume this is very likely something to do with my setup then but narrowing it down is proving tricky.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    No problem, this also helps. My first suggestion would be, to try adding a min-height attribute to the whole container, it may force the display. From the screenshot and video, it looks like as if the height was 0 of the internal container and badly rendered
    Try this custom CSS please:

    .asp_r .results {
        min-height: 42px;
    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    That seems to have worked. Thanks very much.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko
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    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi. I thought this was fixed, but I had not foreseen that the results box might end up being more than 42px.
    Strangely it wont render the content inside to its correct automatic height. 42px was correct for the “no results for” but if you type in something that has a lot of “did you mean” links the results box doesn’t grow to fit the content and only goes to 42px, cutting off the rest of the content and adding a scroll bar to it. This doesn’t happen to actually results, only the “did you mean”

    I have tried overflow:visible !important on the results box and this didn’t seem to help. Any ideas what container i need to target to get the results to expand to their correct size on first search.

    Thanks for you help.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    The only thing I can suspect now is the scrollbar script. It was recently added from the simplebar library. It may not calculate/update(?) the scroll area correctly, but I am sure there must be something else involved as well.
    Do you happen to know, if you use any other scrollbar scripts by any chance (mCustomScrollbar, nicescroll or any others..)?

    In the meantime, please try turning off the scrollbar script completely, you can do that here:

    I am just preparing an update for tomorrow, that includes a newer version of the scrollbar script, as well as some changes on how it’s handled. It may resolve that, if the issue is related to that.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thank you, that does seem to have fixed it. It now works on other people computer too.
    I don’t have anything installed on this site at all, it’s very barebones. The only thing that would be different from a very basic wordpress boilerplate setup, is the fact I am using Sage theme, which is a Laravel style system for WordPress.
    Again, appreciate the speed of your reply, when I get a chance I will leave a good review.

    One question I do have but don’t know where to ask it, I was wondering if you can search for phrase/sentences. For instance, if I have a page on “Garden Waste” I have used the keyword to add in thing such as “Grass” etc, this works perfectly, however I have added in smaller words that don’t seem to work as I believe they are too common to get picked up, like: how do i get rid,

    I assume it is ignoring “How” “do” etc because of their frequency and then length, is it possible to put in a keyword sentence, so… “how do i get rid” so that the search starts quicker before the person gets to the keyword of “grass”. I wouldn’t be able to put these sentences into the actual text as more often than not, they are poorly written english sentences but might be search by a user.

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by PCC76 PCC76.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by PCC76 PCC76.
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