Filer by category

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • #40078

    Hi there, I’ve set a search up here:

    Its set to search my learndash lessons

    I want it to be filterable depending on the lesson category

    I’ve added 2 dummy categories to test this (Daz and Red) but when I run the search it shows all lessons, not just those within those 2 categories.

    Basically I want to allow users to easily find lessons within each course (defined by the lesson caegory)

    Is this possible?

    I cant seem to get the filtering to work either, it doesnt seem to filter the results at all

    I’d also like to show paginated results if possible because theres a lot of them – I see that the ajax search only shows a few results, can this show pagination?



    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Dave,

    By default if everything is checked the filter is basically ignored, as it signifies a default state.

    The way to get around it is to use a different checkbox logic here. That should do the trick.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thanks Ernest, I’ve set it up as you suggested but it still doesnt work correctly for me.

    I have 5 lessons in a particular lesson category and only want to search within those 5 items – however when I run the search it is very slow (which is weird because theres only 5 items to search within) then it tends to spit out the correct item but also leoons that have no category at all.

    Is it possible to speed up the search when its only searching within a specific category?

    And can I exclude any lessons that have no category at all?

    Thanks again


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    In that case, can you please check if this option is also disabled:
    That will get rid off any results, which are not part of the given taxonomy.

    For better search performance you can check this documentation. In your case a recommend using the cache for sure.
    Please note, that the search peformance always correlates with the server performance – exceptions are probably misconfigurations on very large databases, but that is not your case. The overall site performance is impacted by a lot of factors, but usually the two major issues are the number/quality of the running plugins and the server peformance. I generally recommend not using more than 10-15 plugins if possible, but this greatly varies on the individual plugin code quality and performances. The search response time can not be faster as the server response time, and using a lot of code will generate a lot of overhead (meaning the actual search process may only take a few milliseconds, but there is many other things the server must also execute). You can verify that via the search performance tracker here. As you can see, the actual time the plugin was searching only takes on average 0.05 seconds, which is superb. This is of course not very accurate, but give or take it still indicates, that the search itself peforms perfectly fine.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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