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Fliters doesn't work, always search in everything…

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  • #600
    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Good evening,

    As you ask me i wrote all details here 🙂

    i bought the version Ajax search pro the 2012-12-15
    I do not remember if the upgrade is done or not ;(

    Whatever, the problem is :

    when we write in search bar one word, and we check the box for filters : exact words only(orthographe exacte), or specials categories or posts (vidéos, diapos.., dictionnaire de yoga), it doesn’t change anything, it is showing everythings,so filters doesn’t works …

    ps: our server ftp connection is in SFTP SSH:

    this is the path to go:

    please be very carefull, this is our full website…

    Kinds regards,

    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Do you read me ?

    I am surprised to not get answer from you …

    Thanks for helping, big troubles for our web search engine..


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Sorry I answered, but it seems like this form did not send it. I noticed, that you are using a very old version of the search. It’s version 1.25, the 1.8 is available for download on codecanyon, it will probably solve the issues!

    You will need to delete the current search as the 1.25 and the 1.8 is a big jump of versions and are probably incompatible.

    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Thanks for answer 😉

    Could you help me, i am scared to destroy all my website, so i must delete the plugin first ? then upload the new version (but where i found it) ? and then remake all my settings ?

    do i need to change chmod to 777 before making my configurations ?

    Kinds regards,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You will probably need to reconfigure the plugin as the 1.8 version has about 50 more options. I will try to explain the process step by step.

    • First you need to delete your current search form, that you have created in ajax search pro
    • You can download the updated search on codecanyon at the same place you downloaded this. In other words, you just need to download it again.
    • Then you can delete the Ajax Search Pro plugin via the plugin manager in wordpress. First deactivate it, then delete.
    • Then install the new version and activate it. (first you need to extract the .zip file you dowload, because there is the documentation as well)
    • Then you should see the ajax search pro menu again, so you can create your search form again.
    • After configuring the search form you will need to replace the shortcode in your template (because the old one will not work)
    • Chmod the wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/cache and the wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/css folder to 777 if something is working incorrectly.
    • And that is it!

    It should work then! 🙂

    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Hi Ernest,

    i have done everything as you told me, it is almost perfect but:

    – when i change image size for the search result, it doesn’t save it, i try also throught my sftp access, same. ;( It is always image size width: 70 px and height: 70 px, i would like width 156 px and height: 202px
    and also text justify in search results, nicer 😉

    could you help me, i do not understand why it doesn’t save my changes ?

    ps: chmod are 777

    kinds regards,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    It was a bug, thanks for noticing. I fixed it on your site.

    The 156×202 image size is a bit big, but it will work, altough you can experience “holes” in search results where no images are found, since the height of 202 pixel will be still there (unfortunately I cannot change that to automatic height for several programatical reasons)

    If you tend to use such big images, I recommend to change the “Results title link font” and the “Results title hover link font” font size to at least 17px and the line height to about 18px.

    Also a little bit bigger “Description text font” can make a huge difference. Try the 15px font size with a 20px line height, maybe a darker color like #888888.

    I hope I helped!

    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    I trust you, could you make changes that you said ? because i am not sure to understant all 😉

    may i change image size now ?

    Thanks for helps and so great work you did…

    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    oups, i have a little bug with slider for filters, i think i had change something wrong ? but it is half size categories…

    and i do not remember how i change text align to: justify in search results… much more nice…


    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Hi again,

    I solved the problem of sliding filters settings size…

    But there is a very very big bugg, it was not like that in the previous version :

    in the search results we see code of wordpress, how could i change that ? it was not the case before…


    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Ok i solved all design trouble, text size and other, but still the big big bugg of :

    code source wordpress show in the search results ;(


    Raphaël Nordieryogasankara

    Thanks, 😉

    i have found it… you were right so many upgrades 😉

    Very nice, i am happy of the looking now

    kinds regards,

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