frontend custom field cant select correct table

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Derek_Hannon Derek_Hannon 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hey there, so I purchased ajax search pro so that I would have a great looking easy to use search window for my end users. I want to be able to search in the wp_usermeta table in my database for custom meta_key’s I am using to store user profile data. that works great and is easy to setup for search under general settings, user search, and then user meta fields. The issue is when I am working on “frontend search settings” tab, under “custom fields”. I want to be able to select the wp_usermeta table so that I can then select my custom meta_key’s and create a custom checkbox selection for the users to interact with. right now the custom fields dropdown defaults to a different table in the database that I cannot change and is separate from the user table and there is no way to select a different table to interact with.

    If there was one more field above the “custom Field” drop down that said “select table” so I could select the correct table, and then the custom field dropdown would reference the selected table I had just chosen then this would allow much greater customization of what the front end user can search with.

    is there a way I can manually set what table shows up in the custom field dropdown so that I can make it work for my needs, is there something I am doing wrong here or missing that would allow me to create the custom checkboxes for my custom meta_keys in the wp_usermeta table?

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Derek,

    Unfortunately this is not possible yet. The custom field filters only work with custom fields, which is the wp_postmeta table – and it connects with the posts database table. Even if you changed the appearance to display the user meta table contents, it still would not work – because on within the search algorithm there is no handler defined to make the connection between the users table and the user meta table.

    I cannot suggest a quick fix for this, as it’s much more complicated than that, but it’s a planned feature, which I’m implementing as soon as possible.

    Ernest Marcinko

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    Thank you for the quick and great response. I look forward to this new planned feature. I will watch for the next updates to this wordpress plugin and hope that this new feature is available in one of the next updates.

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