Frustration trying to set up simple search and filtering

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    I purchased this plugin after first having consulted with you via email as to whether or not it would do what I needed and you confirmed it would but I had specifically mentioned I didn’t want anything over complicated because what I need from it is actually very simple indeed. Now that I have purchased and installed the plugin the exact thing I tried to clarify before making the purchase has happened. The plugin is massively comprehensive, which is superb, however as such, to me at least, it’s overly complicated. What I need it to do is very simple:

    Search posts – this is a property web site so the posts feature properties and relevant information on said properties. So the search is really very simple.

    The simple search would find properties based on keywords, that is all.

    Filter results/posts:
    So I need it to filter based on 3 criteria only:

    Size: the two filter ranges are up to 5,000 sq ft and over 5,000 sq ft

    Location: so the filter here would be London postcodes

    Use: This filter would sort results based on the property usage which would be included in the description

    Then it would be useful to have two checkboxes, one for ‘To Let’ and one for ‘For Sale’

    That is ALL I need this plugin to do.

    Can you help me set this up please?

    Thank you

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I have tried to look up our conversation, but I could not find any emails from this account email, I guess you used a different one?

    Anyways, as I probably mentioned, the filters can be set up based on post types, publish dates, taxonomy terms, and custom fields. You are very likely looking for taxonomy term and custom field filters. To learn more about those, you can check these documentation chapters:
    Taxonomy Term filters
    Custom field filters
    Basically, if you have the posts categorized by a certain taxonomy criteria, you are looking for taxonomy term filters. If there are custom fields defined (post meta) to store information (like size, location etc) on posts, the use the custom field filters. These are the two basic methods for wordpress to store additional information related to post type objects. Taxonomy terms (like categories) are more of a ‘catalogisation’ feature, while custom fields are to store additional information.

    This tutorial might also be worth looking into, it uses both version of filters.

    I hope this helps!

    Ernest Marcinko

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