Google Analytics integration

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by bham bham 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    I am trying to get google analytics working with the Ajax Search Pro. I have enabled the analytics under the menu Ajax Search Pro -> Analytics Integration. The value for “Enable Search Google Analytics integration?” is set to On and I did not touch the default “Google analytics pageview string” (defaults to ajax_search-{asp_term}).

    I went ahead and fired up Fiddler and then proceeded to type in some search terms in the search I have built and added to my nav bar. I saw no traffic being sent to Google (via You appear to have it working on your site (wp-dreams) on your search, because fiddler picks up multiple traffic instances going out to Google as I am typing in your search box.

    My question to you is as follows:
    1) Is the analytics integration with Ajax Search Pro functional on my version (Version 3.5)?
    2) I was never prompted for me for my Google Analytics tracking ID. Where would I put this in so you actually know where to send the analytics?



    Has anyone got Google Analytics to work with Ajax Search Pro?

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