Help with Ajax Pro Plugin settings

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 2 years, 9 months ago.

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    I have been asked to review a few problems on this site:

    1. There is a problem with the search that I suspect is fixable with a change to the settings or the addition of extra code, however I am not familiar with this plugin and wondered if you could advise me if there is a problem with this or if the functionality is correct.

    The problem is as follows:

    Please search for Fire Training

    As you can see, the results box appears under the search bar and shows a mixture of products and Posts – however if you hit ENTER on the keyboard as a lot of people would do, the page results that are returned are completely different to what is shown in the Ajax Pro box.

    I have tried to put a support ticket in but I cannot find the Purchase key as I am not the original developer of the site. It seems that pressing Enter is taking you to a standard wordpress results page and not the ajax pro results.

    2. Is is possible to display the search box in a bar of its own instead of the menu bar – the client would like it to work like this example: – where or where clicking on the search gives a large box in an overlay or a slide down from the top. I could probably do this in code, however is there a default setting for this in the plugin?

    I hope you can help with this and look forward to hearing back from you later this week.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. Make sure the search override feature is enabled. This should work with every theme, which follows the basic coding guidelines. In case it does not, then check this configuration as well.

    2. Unfortunately there is no such feature built-in within the plugin. I usually recommend using a pop-up feature of a page builder like Elementor, Visual Composer or similar – where you can place the plugin shortcode. Most themes nowadays are also equipped with some page builder features including a pop-up, there might be one included with yours as well.

    Ernest Marcinko

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