Horizontal view for advance search pro not working

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hello Support:) first time needing support:) cannot give admin access due to sensitive third-party data protection policies. But we have programmers, that will little guidance, can complete your instructions. Please help or guide us?

    horizontal view for advance search pro not working. Working on backend but on front end some anonymous problems occured spend all day to debug and find a solution but no luck ?

    Hello there!

    1. we are facing an unexpected problem when we use horizontal view for ajax search pro. It was working perfect in admin side when we preview and test. But for front end slider is not shown up and results are like isotopic view.
    Image for back end (working fine here)
    See attached image 1

    2. we keenly test it and spend a lot of time to debug it. we can see that some of extra classes are added in front end that are causing problem, classes are {mCS_x_hidden, mCS_no_scrollbar_x, mCS_no_scrollbar}.

    here is structure of html for both front end and back end for your better clarification

    HTML structure for both (front end and back end ) are attached
    See attached image 2

    Thank You!

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thank you for all the details.

    Unfortunately I am not sure if I can tell without actually looking at the site. Can you share just a URL where I could see this issue? It looks like a 3rd party CSS conflict, or some sort of cache issue to me.
    As a first step, I would make sure to clear all layers of cache on the front-end, as well as browser caches and such.

    Ernest Marcinko

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