How to set "OR" logic for Range Slider on Custom Field?

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support How to set "OR" logic for Range Slider on Custom Field?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #10533
    peter Ode

    Hi, on the home page at I have AjaxSearchPro settings on the left side and want to show Laptops, Desktop (products in WooCommece) based on the users selections.

    I can’t get the Desktop products to display in the search output because they do not have a Display (custom field: computer_display). I need to set an “OR” condition so desktops DO DISPLAY, even if desktop products do not have a Custom Field for Display.

    In my attempt to make this work, I did add a custom field for the MSi Nightblade product and set the Display to 0. It did display when I set the Display size slider to 0. But that’s only a test. A user would not set the display size to 0. Therefore, I deleted the custom field called computer_display for the desktop computer product called MSi Nightblade. (see attached image)

    How can I set this Range Slider so it does not limit the search output SUCH THAT the MSi Nightblade desktop computer product is included in the search output?

    Thank you,

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    peter Ode

    For your information…
    I want the default behavior, when the home page loads, to automatically display search output that includes all settings. Therefore, I entered the search term “GB” into the Phrase field in AutoPopulate in the Layout Options/SearchBoxLayout page.

    Is this the best approach to auto-populate the search results based on the settings?

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. There is an option for this on the Frontend Search settings -> Advanced panel, to allow displaying results with missing custom field values:

    That should do the trick.

    2. In this case, you can leave the “Phrase” field empty (instead of “GB”), it will work that way as well.

    Ernest Marcinko

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