Invalid CSS

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by ProjectMunton ProjectMunton 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3460

    Hi 🙂

    I love the plugin … but I have noticed that when using the web inspector there are hundreds of Invalid CSS property declarations … for e.g. there are 637 showing up on

    I am starting to get a few questions about it. Is it something you are looking at?
    Many thanks in advance

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    If you are referring to W3C CSS validations, than it’s probably right. Unfortunately the W3C validity does not allow many many properties like SVG fill, rgba backgrounds, background gradients and hundreds of other things. On the other hand every single major browser (including mobile) support these CSS features.
    If the search CSS complied the W3C CSS validity, then the plugin most likely would loose all the sales.

    If you check any wordpress theme, plugin or anything that has CSS files, you will probably find hundreds of errors with the W3C validator. As an example, check out the AVADA theme (300+ errors) or you can check out facebook as well (40 errors on the login page).

    There are many many lines of CSS in the plugin only for the proper compatibilty. Since this is a stock product, it has to work with millions of themes and plugins out there as well as with every major browser.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest … appreciate the honest quick reply 🙂

    I understand the balance between compatibility and usability … the reason it has come up is it is the only plugin of dozens that we use which comes up with errors like this in Safari and Chrome Web Inspect … it just makes stakeholders a little nervous about Google indexing, penalties, backwards compatibility etc. It will just have to be factored in for any future projects / purchases

    Just one more item I have come across … I have added the latest version of the plugin to a local test setup (which ran the previous version) … We have a custom post type which is now not showing in the search results (it did previously) nothing has changed in the settings … and the custom post type is flagged to be searched in the settings.

    Is there anything I can check which could be causing the issue?

    Many thanks again

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