Magnifier Styling Issues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by dareadel dareadel 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    I am still working locally so no live url to share.

    I have successfully positioned the magnifier to the right of the menu items. However, when I focus on the magnifier, the search box opens to the left and cover the menus. I am trying to separate the search box container from the magnifier container so I can style them separately but I have not been successful.

    My goal is when I click on the magnifier, I want the search box to open underneath the menus instead. I will appreciate your help in this.

    Thank you!

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    The built in compact layout mode supports a sort of ‘opening-closing’ mechanism, which is basically done by changing the search box size.

    To have it opened below, you will need a custom script and HTML solution. I have seen some themes have something similar, but it always depends on the exact output structure. Most of these are built as-is, so you can’t replace them with another search bar.
    I think the easiest solution would be to add a separate magnifier element (as an image icon or SVG) to the desired location, as well as a hidden container, which would include the plugin shortcode executed. Then a custom script would detect clicks on the custom magnifier element, and position and show/hide the container, that includes the plugin shortcode. For custom jobs, I usually recommend this service – they are dedicated WordPress developers, this should be a fairly simple task for them.

    Ernest Marcinko

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    Thank you for your reply and the service recommendations. I do have other scripts I could use to achieve what I need but the use of other options or services negates the need for buying this plugin in the first place. So thank you for your suggestions but they are not useful for me at this time.

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