Main and sub category

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Mario Barretta Mario Barretta 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #38412
    Mario Barretta
    Mario Barretta

    I’m using for first time your plugin and it appear to be really good but i’m in trouble with some actions look like that shown in object.
    I need, for example, to can have a form on that to select between two, or more, fields that are connected.

    Natiom : –> Italy
    Region: –> Lombardy
    City –> Bergamo
    Province –> Nembro

    In italy (Nation) There are a lot of regions so when i click on italy i’d like to show on next filed only regions that are in italy (for example Lombardy)
    In Lombardy (region) There are a lot of cities so when i click in Lombardy i’d like to show on next filed only cities that are in Lombardy (for example Milan)
    In MIlan (city) There are a lot of provinces so when i click in Milano i’d like to show on next filed only provinces that are in Bergamo (for example Nembro)

    I hope to have explained that i need

    These fields will be custom fields (or categories) of my posts or cpt

    It’s possible to reach this result?

    Thank You

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I’m afraid this is not possible yet. Dynamically updating filters are not supported.

    Ernest Marcinko

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    Mario Barretta
    Mario Barretta

    really sorry to read this.
    Thank You

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