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Manual determination of the ranking

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  • #15627


    i need a search for my website, but i want to determine which entry is at which position.

    For example a user search for “school” than I want to determine that the first entry is “schoolsystem” and the…. 8th is “foreign school cooperation”.

    At the moment i use the page builder Elementor. Is it possible to build up such a search where i can determine every single ranking position?

    Thanks for your support
    Matthias Kindt

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Matthias,

    Unfortunately not in this detail. There is a global priority settings page, where you can prioritize certain results over others, but it affects all search phrases – if the result is matched, the priority applies.

    A more detailed grouping options page is under construction for the next release (4.12), prioritizing based on categories/tags etc.. will be included.

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