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mobile results problem and open results in new tab

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  • #9907

    hello , I installed on a multisite , to search woocommerce products, it works ok , but in the cellphone android I cant drag up or down the results,what it make is “change results” . That makes it imposible to navigate throught result.
    I can´t find any option to change this behavior .

    And the “‘ Show more results..’ url” isn´t loading more results i takes always to a new page , and if the product is from another store of the multisite, then the result link is not right , is broken.

    Is there anyway to put a “add to cart” button to layout?

    And the last thing , this is a bug , when I check “Use all blogs?” doens´t give any results , I have to drag them to right box to work.

    Thanks for your help.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    The swipe issue is a new bug I didn’t notice before. There is basically a swipe event that allows the user to swipe left/right to navigate the results, but it appers to be blocking the up-down scrolling as well.

    Since you added FTP access, I have fixed it by adding this script snippet to the footer.php in your theme directory:

    [html]jQuery(".asp_main_container").on("asp_results_show", function(event, id, instance, phrase) {
    jQuery("div[id*=ajaxsearchprores] .results").addClass("noSwipe");

    The more results is not working because on the Theme Options -> Isotopic results panel, the option If no image found is set to “Remove that result” – therefore the plugin is not able to calculate how many results are left, so it’s not able load them:
    If you change that option, it will work again 🙂

    For add-to cart there is a snippet, but it was made specifically for vertical and horizontal layouts:
    You can try modifying that, but the isotopic layout is more complicated and it has an overflow which would hover over the add-to cart button anyways.

    I will look into the Use all blogs on my test environment and fix it for the upcoming release, thank you for notifying me about that.


    thank you very much !!! so It it will be fixed in next update right? I will check show more results , thanks for your fast help!!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    This I’m definitely fixing for the next update (4.9.7), so when it’s up, you can remove this code 🙂

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