Order in Search Page without Relevance when ordering by price

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 2 years, 9 months ago.

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    We have a situation where in the search page (not in the ajax search heade) when someone sorts by Price Desc or Price Asc, the results are also being ordered/grouped by the relevance of the search terms as well.

    So just to explain myself better. If someone searches for ‘batteries’ and there are 10 results with different prices and 5 of them have ‘batteries’ in the title the other 5 do not have.

    After someone sorts the results by price asc first we are getting the 5 results that have ‘batteries’ in the title ordered by price asc after those 5 products we have the other 5 products that do not have ‘batteries’ in the title in price ASC. Therefore the price is not ascending from the first product till the last.

    This makes sense for us when doing the ajax search filter in the header however we do not want the relative ordering/sorting on the search page as well.

    Is there a way to have the search page only ordered by price without any relevance whilst keeping the same relevance ordering for the ajax search filter?

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    The relevance should not affect that when ordering by the price.
    Can you please make sure you are using the most recent release of the plugin (4.21.6), it might be an issue, which had been resolved earlier.
    Let me know!

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Okay. Can you please then add temporary FTP access?
    I would like to debug the query to see what is going wrong with the ordering.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Thank you very much!

    I actually found a problem, I had to make direct edits to multiple files to resolve it. It should be okay now. I will make sure to include this in the upcoming release.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thank you for your assistance. I can confirm that it is working fine now and moved the plugin to the live environment.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Perfect, thank you!

    I will make sure to include this fix in the next upcoming release.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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