Override search page in MU

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by massimodileo massimodileo 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #6795

    The “override wordpress search result page” doesn’t work for me.

    I have a wordpress MU with 300 blogs and I’ve created a search form that should search trough the whole network. The ajax search actually works. I can see results from other blogs.
    Obviously if I do check the “Trigger search when clicking on search icon?” and “Redirect when clicking on search icon” to “Result page” I get no results because it will search only on the local blog post (I guess)
    But when I switch on the “Override the default WordPress search results page?” I get a strange behaviour. The search url looks like : ?s=KEYWORD&asp_active=1 and instead of a result page I’m redirected to one of the blog, I guess the one with the first result, like if redirect where set to “First matching result” while is actually to “Results page”.

    Could you please help me?

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