Problem with speed after optimization

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Akis Apostoliadis Akis Apostoliadis 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Akis Apostoliadis
    Akis Apostoliadis

    I’ve a problem with Ajax Search Pro.
    After the client added a few titles in the db, the search is again slow.

    Is there a way I can improve the speed (I tried a lot of things).
    Sometimes it takes a whooping 7-8 sec to display a result.

    The site is
    and ’cause the site is not officially online, you must input a username and password to check it out (it’s the same as the ftp user/pass combo.

    I contacted you again for this matter some months ago (early March), if you remember.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    I do remember. Since then the search underwent an update and some optimizations. I’m releasing another version this weekend, which includes even more speed optimisations including an index table.

    I have added some of these optimizations via ftp you gave me. The plugin should be much faster now. I see speeds between 1.5 – 3 seconds on web inspector now.

    The slowdown can be caused by image-resizing and caching as well. First time a new item is searched the image thumbnails are created, which takes a bit of time. The second time is fast, because the images are not re-created.

    Also, WooCommerce did something to their core within updates 2.3.x, whereas every ajax powered plugin experiences major slowdowns in some cases. I have already contacted them, but no answer yet. Hopefully they aknowledge this issue, as it’s affecting thousands of plugins.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

    Akis Apostoliadis
    Akis Apostoliadis

    thank you.

    I’ve checked again the speed and it takes 2.5 to 7 sec (actual speed on page with a digital chronometer).
    And that’s on the second time I search.

    Thank you for the info about WooCommerce.

    Kind regards,

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Could you please try to clear you cache and try again? I’ve changed a javascript file as well, your browser might have cached the old one.

    I’ve conducted a few tests, the results with screenshots with ajax response measurements:

    1. Phrase “test y”, results 1.90, 1.36, 1.69 seconds:

    2. Phrase “test a”, results 1.56, 1.77, 1.50 seconds:

    3. Hardest test – 6 different standalone characters, 6 build up like queries – Phrase “λ β ο x y a”, results 1.56, 1.69, 1.44 seconds:

    For me each test wen under 2 seconds, on worst case scenario it should be below 4 I would say.

    Please do not upgrade the plugin until the upcoming version is out, I’ve added a few performance related lines that are not present in the current version yet.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

    Akis Apostoliadis
    Akis Apostoliadis

    Thank you very much.

    It was the cache to blame.

    Thank you again.

    PS: I haven’t upgraded the plugin yet.

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