Problems with the results of research

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Luc Luc 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi Ernest,

    I have big problems with the results of research (it’s in french) : Use search in the menu bar (name is “moteur recherche”)

    1) I have exclude words in the index (le, la, des… ) and in the keywords exceptions, but when you made au reseach like “le monde des animaux” He took all ! so I have more than 900 results… it’s not good. how I can exclude this littles words ?

    2) Big problems with CAPITAL and acents (éèà…) the system don’t find, ex : Type NEDELEC, he find, but nedelec NOT, and nédélec or Nédélec not too, all this words are in the database ! … it’s very problematique, is y possible to have result at any case ?
    I try all the case in the Query compatibility options (force case, force unicase) but nothing change !
    Help me please, I give you a admin acces.
    Best regards

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Both issues were only caused by incorrect configurations:

    2. The exceptions were placed in the non-whole keyword section, so the plugin removed these words from the whole phrases. So if the user entered ‘Nedelec’, the plugin removed the ‘le’ substring from it, it becane ‘nedec’. That seemed like that the accents were not working, when the issue was actually that many phrases were simply replaced.

    The solution was very simple, I just moved the words to the correct location:

    1. Now, thet the keyword exceptions are fixed, these words will yield no results, so only the replacements will be counted. In this case “le monde des animaux” becomes “monde animaux”.

    I have also changed the keyword logic to a more scrict one, so now all keywords must match any of the fields in order to give you results:

    This is the most strict logic for the index table engine.

    I hope this helps!

    Ernest Marcinko

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    Hi Ernest,

    Thank you for your help.

    The point 2 working perfectly now ! Thanks !

    But there are still the same problem with 1) (le monde des animaux) the system take all the “le” and “des” he find, see the attachment.
    Any ideas ?


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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Luc,

    2. No, it actually does not, it only seems like it because of the syntax highlighter – as it is only executed after the results are displayed, it highlights everything that is entered in the search box.
    For example, if you try searching “monde animaux” you will get the same results as “le monde des animaux” as “le” and “des” are removed before the search process.

    I hope this helps!

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest,

    Exact ! OK, now I have all my answers 🙂 I will desactivate the higlithter perhaps, it’s confusing.

    Thanks a lot for your helps, I think you can close the topic.


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