Remove from facebook pixel

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 3 years, 2 months ago.

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    We are in the health industry and as a result we do not want facebook pixel to pick the queries from the search bar. We are getting the below error as reported by facebook event manager. This is coming from your plugin which is sending data to the facebook manager

    Potentially Violating Health Data Sent to Facebook

    We need to know how to disable the search queries from getting picked up from facebook pixel.

    The data is getting picked up from the parameter ?s=. See below the effected URL as reported from the facebook event manager

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    The plugin does not intergrate with any facook features, nor use any code related to facebook API. It does not intergrate any tracking codes either.

    The URL you sent is only a generic search query. Facebook pixel may automatically collect this information, I am not familiar with how it works. You may have to look up their documentation or remove the pixel tracking.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Ok then help me another way. I have changed the name of the default query string to “search” from “s”. But using the below code snippet

    //Remove the default search var and add a custom one
    add_filter(‘init’, function(){
    global $wp;
    $wp->add_query_var( ‘search’ );
    $wp->remove_query_var( ‘s’ );
    } );

    //If the custom var is passed copy that over to the default “s” var
    add_filter( ‘request’, function( $request ){
    if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘search’] ) ){
    $request[‘s’] = $_REQUEST[‘search’];
    return $request;
    } );

    So the site works with rather then

    But now your plugin is still referring back to “s” is not working when the “search” button is clicked. How do i update the input box so it uses “search” rather than “s” variable.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    You can do that via changing the magnifier and click actions to a custom URL.
    Into the custom URL box then try typing:


    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thank you.

    It is working now.

    Can you also confirm:

    If i can delete the free version of the plugin now that I have the pro version

    Also I am testing the pro version on a test site but I want to add it to the production site as well. How can I do this as I believe this plugin is a single licensed plugin.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    You can safely remove the free version, they are separate plugin, working independently.

    Using it on test and production environments is perfectly fine with a single license, you don’t need to purchase another one. You can read more about activations on staging/test environment here.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)



    I have found out another issue. It is not searching the content even though I have enabled “content search” in the backend. You can test it here and search “omega”. You can see that the posts are not showing in the dropdown even though there are posts with “omega” in it.

    Refer to the attached screenshot.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Which items does not show? Can you please link to one? I can see items in the dropdown, but I don’t know which ones are missing. Thank you!

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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