Result location and sorting post

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #13436

    Note: I haven’t set up my website yet. I am working on the local web server.
    Theme info: I have a newspaper 8 theme.They are using block and modules.

    I try to build a website for scholarships search .I bought the newspaper blog theme and created custom post types and custom taxonomy by using CPT UI plugin.Then I used an advanced custom field for scholarship information<span class=”code”>.I created a custom post for each scholarship information</span>.Also, I created single-scholarship template.php file.The last thing, I want to build a filter search on the left sidebar and show search result on the front page.I attached image files and you may get an idea what I want.
    First: Can I build search page as showing the attachment by using Ajax Pro?
    Second: My main problem, How can I show search result on the front page?
    Third: Can I just make a filter for posts?Can posts be sorted on the post template?

    Thank you
    Have a nice day

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Gorkem,

    The screenshots didn’t came through, but I think I understand your questions.

    1. I believe so. You can create a search instance to only search for attachments and nothing else, and use that search shortcode on a page where you need it.

    2. If you mean the live results on a different location than on the bottom of the search bar (floating results), then you can use the results shortcode for that:

    3. The plugin can only filter the live results within it’s own results container unfortunately. Each theme is very different in terms of archive pages and the output method, I was not able to overcome that obsticle to have an in-place template filter feature.

    Ernest Marcinko

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