results layout and and other features not working

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    i’m a new user – many features do not appear to be working.

    1) I only need to search media files. Got that to work (mostly) but cant change the results layout to anything other than “vertical”. I want to show results with images and tiles like in your examples. Changing the Results layout type dropwdown does nothing. Chosing theme has no consequences for the results page.
    2) Results page in vertical mode shows first page with only 1 result, have to go to second results page to see the rest of the results
    3) elements=’search’ ratio=’30%’ statement not working in shortcode.

    Kinda disappointed so far. Really hope you can help.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. You can change the overall theme here, that is the best way to change the layout too, as the themes have pre-defined styles for the given layout.
    To get image for PDF results, check out this knowledge base.

    2. The results page itself is not something the plugin can change, that is fully controlled by the theme you are using. I may have to check this out directly to see what exactly is wrong, but it is more likely a theme related issue. I am more than happy to help if I can though. Whatever is displayed on the results page is up to the theme, a plugin can’t change that unfortunately.

    3. Because with elements=’search’ ratio=’30%’ only the search bar is printed and the ratio can’t have an effect on a single element, as there is nothing to compare to. I assume you want to change the search bar width, you can do that here, that is much cleaner and you can change it for other devices too.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Hi Ernest,

    Thanks for getting back to me. Depending on what theme I pick, i get different results. For example, If i select “Curvy Blue Vertical”, then I see both pages and pdfs in the results. If I select “Demo-Polaroid Transparent”, then only pages show up. In all cases the results page looks the same – usual WP search results.

    I am using the Bridge theme if that helps. When i switch to a generic WP theme, e.g., Twenty Tewnty-Three, the results look a little better, but i never see the tile layout you show in your demos.


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    In case of a “polaroid” layout results without images are removed from the live results list. For vertical/horizontal/isotopic layout a container image is used by default instead. This should not affect the results on the actual wordpress results page though.

    The results page should look exactly the same when the plugin is enabled/disabled, only the actual results should be different, when searching through the Ajax Search Pro search bar. I assume you are reffering to the results page on our demo site, this one. Our theme results page is coded this way, to display results like boxes with image and titles. It is a custom coded theme based on the underscores base theme.

    The results template is not something plugins can change reliable (yet). WordPress is evolving very quickly though, so it is only a matter of time we can add a customizable results page layout. For now some page builders can do that, but I usually recommend customizing the archive page layouts via the theme options to avoid any conflicts.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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