Results – many points

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #25958

    Hi Ernest – hope youre doing well –
    i have a several points where i need help:
    1. In the results page, if i have many listings with the same title, it shows like this:

    I want to show it appended with a custom field “arealocality” which is added in geodirectory CPT custom fields. That feild shows in the page title eg- if you click on any of the results you will see it in in the page title: e.g.

    I checked the documentation but somehow i am not able to get the arealocality field to be able to select it – can you pls suggest how?

    2. I want to remove the scroll (both ways – and show the checkboxes below the box…maybe make the box wider and longer – to avoid the scrolls- how can i do that please? e.g.
    3. If i search for :
    I see many buddypress activities, and then some Geodirectory listings (CPT posts). Is it possible to group the buddypress acitivities also into a single box like done for categories eg. “Discussions” ?
    4 How can i add the same ASP search bar that appears on no results (as point 2 above), also at the top of the results page, even when there are results, so these settings cehckboxes can be used to filter the results? and can i have a checkbox also for Buddypress activities/Discussions?

    Any advice/suggestions will be very useful as always. Thanks very much.

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. I’m afraid that is a theme related issue, the plugin only passes the items there. To make modifications to those, you will have to make changes in the theme template files.

    2. Sure, you can do that by increasing the width and the max-height values here:

    3. That is also a theme related issue, the plugin only sends the results there to display.

    4. Also theme related. The php version of the plugin shortcode should be added to the search.php theme file (probably). But the exact location and details vary from theme to theme, so you might have to ask the theme author for guidance as well.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thanks for the replies, Ernest.

    I have some further observations, if you could please assist.

    For point 1 : I tried this with theme twenty nineteen, and still i cannot see the custom field display, so i am assuming that i have not set configuration correctly. The results page is
    and the admin page where the custom field is set up is :


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. The plugin does not (and can not) affect what and how is displayed on the results page. It simply pushes the result objects there, and the theme parses each field. In this case, I guess the theme displays the post excerpt as the result field. To change that, you might have to edit the theme files to print the whole filtered content, or maybe using a page editor could also work.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Thank you Ernest – somehow i think I am not able to explain myself properly.

    I am looking at this document :

    Near the bottom, this document shows how custom fields can be displayed in the search results. So here i see that the configs in plugin can be used to display certain fields in the resutls page, as shown in this doc. That is exactly what i want to do.

    I understand your message that the plugin just generates the items and theme displays the results. So can you please let me know which theme will allow me to do that? I had thought that twenty-nineteen is a ‘generic’ theme which most plugins work with so i tested with that, but if not- then can you please advise which theme this will work with?

    thanks very much, Vivek

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi Vivek,

    I understand, but that feature only works with the live results – the plugin cannot push that to the results page unfortunately.

    You might still be able to access the original “live search” fields via the get_asp_result_field function via the results loop.
    In this case, replacing probably the the_excerpt(); or equivalent function call within the search.php template file (or within the loaded template part) in the theme directory with the_asp_result_field('content');

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)

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